
I'm not much for first-person shooters but after a few tries with Nexuiz, I can see the appeal. The experience can be exhilarating. Now if only I didn't get shot so much.

According to the Nexuiz web site:

Nexuiz is a fast paced 3d deathmatch game project created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).

The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over 1.5 million times, and the game is still being updated and developed, currently at version 2.5 and new releases being developed.

For more screens of the project and a video see the media page on the navbar, and for more questions or infomation see info or faq. If you would like to help out the project, and encourage more development, you can donate to the team through paypal with the donation link in the sidebar.

Apart from that, there's not much to say. Shoot, move, shoot some more. Oh, and don't get shot.

Installs quite easily via APT, though it may take a while as it's a 300-MB download.


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